Just a quick little blurb to let you all know that we have found a house to rent in Heber. We are very excited to move to Heber and to have our very own home. The house is a 4 bedroom and is on a 1/3 of an acre with a large fenced back yard. We have the keys and will start to move as soon as we can. We have been looking for a while to find something but haven't had any luck. Believe me, it has been a testimony building experience. (It's true, everything is done in the Lord's time.) We feel so blessed to have this opportunity and to be closer to Tucker's job. Now Tucker can come home everyday after working instead of renting a room every other week in Duchesne. It will still be about an hour commute each way but one less canyon to drive through. We are so excited and blessed! We will get an email out soon with our new address. We will also have room for visitors to stay, so come visit us.
How exciting! Congrats:) We will have to come see it when we come out in November. Good luck with the move:)
YAY... and Boo! I am so happy that you will be able to spend more time with Tucker. But so sad you won't live so close anymore. I totally didn't take advantage of your proximity! We need to get together soon. Let me know if you need anything!
That is so exciting for you guys! Good luck and let me know if I can help with the move or anything. We have a truck if you need it. :)
congrats and heber isn't too far away. and it's a way cute house!
Congratulations!! You are going to have so much fun having Christmas in your own cozy home! And in Heber too? It will be magic.
Congratulations that is very exciting!! Yuor new home looks very welcoming :)
I've been inside and the house is soooo cute! Although we are going to miss you being under our roof, we are very excited for you guys! Korbin doesn't know any life other than living with Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandad, and 3 of his uncles. I know he's going to be thinking, "Hey! Where's the rest of my family?!" after you guys move. It'll be fun to come visit all of you out in Heber. Such a blessing!
I am so happy that you found a house (and a big one !) so that you can be together every night ! When are you moving ? Lets get together before you go..tell me when you are free and lets work something out !
Congrats! I'm so happy for you guys! Side note, I love the new picture at the top of your blog, your costumes are so freaking cute!
Yay! Finally, I am so happy for you guys. I am glad I got to see you and Korbin for 5 seconds yesterday, I wish I could have seen you for longer... I really really miss you!
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