Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I Have Fallen off the Face of the Earth

Well, almost, but not quite. Some days it feels like it though. I have actually been lost in the midst of moving boxes and cleaning and straightening the house in the hopes that someone will fall in love with our home and want to throw us out. Ok, so I have mixed emotions on the subject. I'll be sad either way. We love this little house (ugly sponge paint and all). It's not the biggest house, it's not the fanciest house as far as finishes go but it's the first home we have all had together as a family (minus that week after Korbin was born in that little apartment) and it's the home we found out that Chloe was going to join our family in. It's the home that I have had visions of decorating for Halloween since we moved in last November. But we can't afford it anymore, not since Tucker lost his job last month. We don't even own it, but I feel like someone trying to sell a house. We have had several people look at it and a couple of them really seemed interested, but so far no takers.

So if anyone was wondering, I am still here. And holy smokes! Does that baby ticker really say only 45 days left?!?!?! I swear it said 200 just the other day. I am having deja vous towards the end of this pregnancy. Packing and moving (and looking for a job) is definitely NOT how I would recommend spending the last couple months of a pregnancy and yet here I am doing it again. If this is the way my pregnancies are going to end then we may have to rethink having any more kids...

If anybody is looking for a really cute house in Heber, with a big fenced in yard, in a really nice neighborhood, with a great ward and schools just right down the street, let me know; *wink* I may have just the thing for you...