As I have mentioned before, I love Halloween! This includes Halloween decorations; the cute and tasteful kind. I worked for six years at The Quilted Bear where I was surrounded by such things and acquired many of them. This year however I vowed not to buy a single decoration. I have oooohed and ahhhhed at many adorable decorations but have held firm and not purchased anything. Tucker saw a jar of eyeballs that made gurgling sounds (not my idea of a cute decoration) at Target and wanted to get it and I told him I could make something like it. Well it evolved into a jar of spiders. OK, so I had to buy the spiders and lights and paper and glitter but I had the jar and the sticky letters. So I did spend money but not that much. It's a little on the cheesy side I know, but Korbin loves it and that is all that matters to me.
are those battery opperated lights? i am on a search for some battery opperated lights for a christmas project. cute jars, by the way
Those are super cute! Love them, good job:)
Very cute! Good job. I would also like to know where you got the lights, I am also going to be working on a project that I need some kind of light like that.
The lights are not battery operated. My dad drilled a hole for me in the back I threaded it through. I got those lights at Target. They were $2.99 for a strand of 50. I think Target had battery operated lights too but I remember seeing a good selection of battery operated lights at Shopko last year (of the Christmas variety.)
That is so not cheesy! They are awesome! You creative types put me to shame. Really, nice work. They rock.
Just to clarify there is only one jar. I just took a picture of it in the mirror. Kind of took me a long time to get the black fabric in the in the right place so you didn't see my shower curtain and towel rack in the background. Silly I know. I have issues.
Hey, we could go into business together:) Together our creativity would be unstoppable! I have thought about starting to charge people for them, but so far I have been giving them as gifts, so I can't charge people for their presents....or can I ....:)
Very Creative and Very Cool!!
These are so cool! You are so talented. I miss you!
B-E-A-utiful! Truly a work of art! And consider what that little baby would have run you if you had bought something like it. I shudder to think . . .
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