1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Write 6 random things about yourself.
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
4. If you're tagged, DO IT and pass on the tag.
Now, 6 things about me...

2. Halloween and Christmas are my favorite holidays which makes The Nightmare Before Christmas one of my favorite movies. (It brings my two favorite holidays together, what's not to love?) I love the movie, I love the music. I even made a Jack Skellington costume for my brother Jared a few years ago. I was Sally.

4. I am a Martha Stewart fan. I was, even through the "jail months," (during these dark days my sister Carolyn and I sported pink shirts that Carolyn embroidered to read "FREE MARTHA.") Yes Martha is pretentious, obnoxious and she's awkward when interacting with guests on her show but she has good ideas (or at least she hires people to think of good ideas for her) and I gotta love a lady that made homemaking a lucrative business.
5. I am a reality TV fan. Sometimes I watch the occasional sitcom like The Office (which ironically imitates reality TV) but most of my TV viewing is spent watching HGTV, Food Network and shows like Dog the Bounty Hunter, The Biggest Loser, and Tori and Dean:Home Sweet Hollywood (I didn't know I even liked Tori Spelling until I came across her show. Until then I had thought she was annoying, but now I find her endearing. And yes I know that she and her husband cheated on their spouses. Awful. I definitely don't look up to her as a role model.)
What kind of frozen pizza do you like? I love Freschetta's pizza, it is so yummy! I am also a closet Tori & Dean fan. I used to hate Tori, but now she makes me laugh. I enjoy the show a lot & I really like Ace of Cakes, do you ever watch that??
You know I love to play games, but I only have two people I'm on tagging terms with and you're one of them. Oh well, I guess it's time to get close the extended family!
I like Freschetta and Digiorno and Target's Archer Farms has some really good ones kind of like California Pizza Kitchen. We watch Ace of Cakes too, when we catch it on. Lately I only seen reruns though so I haven't been watching it.
Halloween is just 4 weeks away! Are you so excited?! It's a bummer that Tucker will be in Duchesne. (sp? Why don't they just spell it like it sounds...DooShayne.) We'll have to be sure and run his fog machine. Jack Skellington was one of Jared's best costumes ever! Between Jessica and Carolyn, I haven't had to worry too much about what to do for him for Halloween.
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