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Hey just so y'all know, I finished book two finally! It only took me four months... Ok so it wasn't my favorite and I think I am maybe a little disenchanted with the Twilight series now, but I will persevere to the end. I have heard that book two is a struggle for some, it was for me. Am I the only person who finds the intensity of their teenage love just a little odd? Well I don't want to make too many enemies on here so I will end my criticism now. I am looking forward to going to a midnight showing of the movie with my sister and mom and a fun group of girlies (although, don't tell anyone, the movie trailers kind of creep me out.)
you and my sister both had a hard time with the books. she didn't think that book 1 was a page turner, so wasn't too excited about the rest, but now after book 2 she really likes it! and as for their love, remember he's old and she's always been "old for her age." cheesy I know, but still, Edward is hot.
I understand your dilemma - Twilight is by far my favorite of the four books, even though it is a bit far-fetched! Although, I can't wait for the movie!
P.S. I love your new picture! It's fabulous!
J-dawg. The teenage romance is far fetched because the whole dang book is far fetched. Just let go, and play pretend. P.S. You should note that you folks swept the costume contest with those beauties!
The female members of our family have Joel, Jessica's "little" brother, to thank for getting us started on the Twilight series. Although I'm not Twilight's biggest fan, I did get through it pretty quickly. For a more mature romance read, with some LDS culture thrown in, check out anything by Anita Stansfield. My fave is her Gables of Legacy series.
btw, I took the quiz and I'm an Esme too. I knew I would be. I'm most happy to stay home and hang out with my fam.
I love you new family picture. Was that for a party or what? Jesshica, you are soooo talented, man how I miss you. As for the Twilight series, just keep with it...the next ones get better, although I liked the second book, but I liked Jacob (oh I can hear the disgust and sighs from those who love Edward). Haha! Enjoy! Seriously, your costumes rock!
yes we are dressed up for Carolyn's fabulous Halloween party in that picture. I started Tucker's costume back in September but wouldn't you know that it came down to me frantically trying to finish it (and make mine) the day of the party. I like to live under pressure I guess. Luckily my hard work did not go unnoticed. As Carolyn mentioned in her post, we won the group costume contest and Tucker won the individual. Very satisfying in deed.
Super cute costumes! So talented you are! Just keep reading, my favorite was Eclipse. It really does get better! I took the test and surprisingly I was Esme too!
I'm a Alice,
I didn't like book 2 either. I mean I liked it, but it took me long to read it. Book1 is my fav. What you say about the love story...it's just that a story. You will really think the story if far fecthed once you get to number 4. Keep reading though! Have fun at the movie.
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