Thursday, September 18, 2008

Millions of Peaches, Peaches for Me

Last week I went and did a cannery assignment at the Lindon Cannery. My mom watched Korbin while I went out into the bright and early world to can peaches. I had such a good experience and felt such peace (yup, at the cannery). I could not help but notice the cute elderly couples that were able to attend together. It made me wish Tucker was there with me, but alas he was all the way in Moab working.

On Sunday, much to my delight, they passed the sign up sheet around again! We signed up and were able to go Tuesday evening. It was a great date night for us as we are trying to find inexpensive things to do. Our job was to stand at the front of the line and pick out the peaches that didn't need any work done (pit, skin, blemish removal) so that the peaches that did need work done could go down the line to the people with knives. The peaches came pretty fast and at one point Tucker commented that he felt like Lucy and Ethel.

We had a lot of fun together but the thing that made the biggest impression on me was the what they said before we went in to work (I missed this part the first time because I was a few minutes late). The Sister read a poem that I do not remember word for word but the gist of it was that serving at the cannery is like serving at the temple, the only difference is that the work you do at the temple is for the deceased and the work you do at the cannery is for the living. I was excited to hear this because Tucker and I have not been able to go through the temple yet so this was the first "temple work" we have been able to do together. What a blessing for us to be able to serve at the cannery and in turn bless the lives of others. Plus at the end we were able to buy some cases of peaches for our food storage and they are delicous. We want to go back as often as we can. (No pun intended)


Anonymous said...

What a fun (and itchy?) experience for you!! That is so great that you guys were able to do that as a couple, what a wonderful evening!

Flee said...

HA! "as soon as we can." you kill me! I am going to think twice before I just pass that clip board along now. I think maybe I too will go to the cannery and help out. You make is sound so great!