Thursday, September 4, 2008

Adventures in Dinner

I love to cook but I don't do it all that often maybe once or twice a week at the most. We live with my parents' and my mom usually does most of the cooking. However the last two nights Tucker and I made dinner together and it was a lot of fun. I really can't wait until we find a place to move to in Duchesne so we can be our own little independent family, not that I don't appreciate living with my family, I do.

Anyway, on Tuesday we made Italian Meatloaf which is scrumptious (I encourage you all to try it), zuchini, and oven roasted potatoes with rosemary and garlic.Tucker loves meatloaf, it is not my favorite thing but this recipe is great.

Last night we had Foil Wrapped Side of Salmon with Lemon and Rosemary which was even better. It is so easy to make but looks very impressive, it's a great "hosting" dish, and it tastes like the best salmon at any fine restuarant maybe even better. We also had broccoli and rice which were great compliments.

So if you need any ideas for dinner, try these recipes. I can't take the credit though because it was Tucker's idea to make both things. He came up the ideas, we found the recipes on Food, and I just went along with it.


Flee said...

WOW! You guys are fancy! Looks and sounds de-lish!

Anonymous said...

You are so ambitious, I wish I were. I cook the same things over and over again-how boring is that! Now that I am at home more I should try some new things...I guess I just need some motivation!

Michele said...

I love food network! THey look real good I definetly want to try the Salmon, I love Salmon!