Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chestnuts Freezing by an Open Fire

Ok, I know it's been a constant barrage of new posts and pictures but I can explain! The cord that connects my camera to the computer has been lost since the beginning of July. Ahhh. Well really it had just been carefully tucked away in a sack filled with TV cables and cords and other random things by my mother. Thanks Mom! Well I finally tracked it down (and labeled it with masking tape of course) and I am now trying to catch up. Here are some pictures of our Labor Day activities. The weather was freezing and there was always at least one baby crying (they must have had a prior agreement we were unaware of to do the crying in shifts. At any given point you could here the pleasant wailings of one of the three children) but we had fun none the less.

1 comment:

Laura Nevin said...

Sorry about the cable. In my defense, I was packing to get ready to paint. Luckily for you I didn't haul the bag off to storage or worse yet, D.I! Our little rendezvous in the canyon was too short! Those crying babies didn't bother me any. Funny how that works once it's your crying grandchild and not your own crying baby.