Or, in other words: today is our anniversary (the second one to be exact). A lot has happened in that two year period, two job changes, two moves, two graduations, two car changes, and most importantly a baby (thankfully not two of those
yet)! We have been blessed and have learned lots from each other. Happy Anniversary Tucker, I love you! I can't wait to see what this next year brings...
wow! is it that time again already? HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! The positive to Tucker being out of town is no obligatory anniversary dippidy doo if you don't want to!
That is so funny Carolyn said that! If Tucker was in town you might have to change your blog to say "two babies":) Happy Anniversary! I am so happy for you & you have such a cute little family!
Wow, I didn't even clue into that. I read it (and believe me I have use the term myself) but I took a total different meaning from it when I read that. When I skimmed over it before I just thought "oh, all the mushy, and expensive anniversary stuff." Thanks for making me take a second look Chrissy, and Carolyn, such indecencies.
Happy 2 year anniversay! (no comment on Carolyn's Comment)hahaha
You two are such a sweet couple - I wish you many more years of great happiness!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I can't believe that time goes by so fast. Next month will be 5 years for us! FIVE! eish...
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