Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lessons in Traumatizing a Toddler

I will start off by saying that I don't think colds and pregnancy mesh well together. And I think it is cruel that pregnant women even have to endure colds (especially during the month of June) seeing as how they have plenty of other things going on. That said, I have a cold. As obnoxious and frustrating as it has been for me, the worst part is the effect it is having on my little man. My coughing, nose blowing and gagging (as a result of the coughing) is rather unnerving for him. My coughing sends him straight into my lap with his head against my chest and preferably my hand covering the ear that is exposed.
Yesterday, as Korbin visited me in my room, I had an all out coughing fit. The poor kid didn't know what to do. Coughing turned into gagging which then turned into me running for the toilet. Korbin started crying as he followed me into the bathroom and hid behind the door. In between heaves I managed to get out "Mommy's okay, it's okay." Either I must have not been too convincing or those words aren't very comforting to a child went his mom is bent over a toilet. Eventually we recovered and had an alright rest of the day. Until bedtime came (which is when I cough the most). Even with a fan on in his room my coughing woke him up in a terrified state. It was a terrible night. Between the coughing and having to comfort Korbin several times during the night I feel like a zombie (with a headache) today. And that pesky cough of mine managed to wake Korbin up early from his nap which means no shower for me. Oh, I hope it goes away soon, and that Korbin is not permanently damaged from this traumatic experience.


Michele said...

That's so sad! You poor girl! Hopefully it will go away soon and that korbin will be ok!

Carolyn said...

Ha! poor kid. Have you tried mucinex? or 'expectorant' for us generic buyers. I'm not sure if it's pregnant woman safe but it is a life saver with that coughing and hacking stage of a cold. (I like your new wallpaper by the way)

Heather and Thomas Mann said...

That is so sad for both of you! Hope you feel better soon- for all your sakes. I'm here if you need anything.

Robyn said...

Let me first say I agree - pregnant women should not have any "extras" placed on them during prenancy. I hope you feel better - both for your physical health and Korbin's mental health. Having said that I have to admit I laughed through this entire post! I hope that does not mean I am evil - I am more laughing with you. You just told it vividly and it is pretty funny story (you'll laugh years from now and so will Korbin). I too have had too many experiences just like this.
Rest and feel better!

Jessica said...

Thanks for the well wishes y'all. It's okay to laugh, it's pretty humorous. It middle of it, I didn't think it was funny, but shortly there after I had a little chuckle. And I am happy to report that I think Korbin is going to be just fine. ;)

The Brewer's said...

Love the post! I too had a nice giggle while reading. Been there, I had the flu while I was pregnant with my youngest daughter, and it was the worst! Hopefully you'll get feeling better soon.