Korbin is one today and as I am sure all parents say, we can't believe it! We are so grateful to have him in our lives. He is our happy little guy with a little bit of attitude. Right now his latest things are: carrying around blankey and Tigger, conducting music, trying to walk (not crawl) up stairs, running around, dancing, and exercising his independence at every opportunity. He also loves his baby cousin, Caden. He likes to entertain Caden by petting his (Caden's) head, poking his eyes, and also by playing Peek-a-boo with him. Caden is a patient little guy tolerates Korbin very well. Happy Birthday Korbin, we love you!
P.S. I am a little sad because I sent Korbin's picture into Good Things Utah for the First Birthday segment and we forgot to watch it. Ahhh man!
WOW! I can't believe that it's been that long already! I didn't think that you were due so close to Chrissy! (This is Felicia, by the way) I'm so happy for you and your family. You all look so great!
Happy Birthday Korbin!
Time does seem to fly by! It seems like just yesterday we were hanging out, eating fried ice cream;) We will definitely see you at the blessing. Korbin is adorable & I can't wait to meet him.
whoa! A year already? Crazy! I miss your sweet singing, keep me updated!
OH MY GOSH!!! I completely forgot about Carl!!!! I cannot stop laughing thinking about him, what a sexy man he was! He always said the sweetest things & was even kind enough to send a picture of him & his wife when I was in Michigan:) I also remember the sexy Donny Osmond paid a visit to my room:) Oh Jess, you are too funny!!!
Korbin is a handsome little guy! It's amazing how fast the time goes by!
Korbin has been such a joyful addition to our family, and to our home! Happy birthday babelabe! luv, Grandma
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