I love this little man. He has been so affectionate lately and I just don't know how I got so lucky to have such a loving little guy like him. These pictures were taken a little while ago (back when he would actually wear his sunglasses) but they are some of my favorites of him. I enjoy the fact that they hover and float off to the side of his nose.

I'll Be Back...
Cute pictures! I totally feel ya about the blueberries. Kimmie loves squishing them and then spreading them all over her face or her shirt. It is crazy the things they do!!!
Jess, What a cute boy you and Tucker have made! I am glad he forced you to come visit us :) Thank you so much for the dinner and visit. We really appreciate it. I really hope we keep seeing each other much more often than we have in the recent past. You are awesome, kind, generous and funny as all get out. I love you and am grateful for your friendship.
Jessica Korbin is too cute! How fun! The things I get to look forward to.
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